Crimson Shroud Part Two: The Confessional

Giauque reminisced about the legend of a king who sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for the endowment of magic. The king destroyed the defectors who had left his kingdom for the barbarian tribes within a day. Yet, at the end of the day, the Devil irrevocably returned to spirit away the souls of the king and his queen, or rahab.

The church dismissed it as a faerie tale. However, Giauque felt more certain that their own beliefs were no less such.

Later, the trio passed by a treasure chest they had already opened. Except it had been closed again. Lippi detected that it was sealed with a mortis glyph instant death trap, likely set by the goblins that called these ruins home.

You’re given the option to reminisce on the first time Giauque met Lippi. Giauque was working as a new recruit of the Knights of the Republic. In the cellar of a keep they had taken, there was a chest that Giauque just couldn’t resist. However…

“I’d not open that if I were you,” said a voice behind Giauque. “My mortis glyphs have proven surprisingly effective in the past. One touch means death.”

Lippi was bound to the wall in chains. He claimed that the retreating army forced him to set the trap and left him there to be claimed by it, too.

Continue reading Crimson Shroud Part Two: The Confessional

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Final Thoughts and Trivia

I enjoyed my time with Skyrim, but with the main questline done, I began to feel like there were several elements that could have been better, and could be improved in The Elder Scrolls VI. I can’t help but want to compare Skyrim to my adventures in Thedas, but it’s not a very fair comparison because BioWare is renowned for their worldbuilding, storytelling, and character crafting, and Bethesda is… not. They just aren’t.

Continue reading The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Final Thoughts and Trivia

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Part 15: Nomad and the World Eater

A human named Crescius is in an interracial marriage with a Dunmer (Dark Elf) woman.

Continue reading The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Part 15: Nomad and the World Eater