Tales from the Borderlands Part Five: Worries As Big As the Moon

When Rhys can’t shut down the force field barring Handsome Jack’s office, Jack tells him about the Jack Hole, a trap door leading to his office. It was on the prison level, so Fiona and Gortys had to get bad. Fiona tore down a Jack poster that had… a treasure map behind it?

Continue reading Tales from the Borderlands Part Five: Worries As Big As the Moon

Tales from the Borderlands Part Two: The Eyes Have It

The raider wanted to know what happened next. Fiona told the story of how she had to remove one of General Pollux’s eyes to unlock a terminal. It’s an incredibly uncomfortable sequence that reminds me of a certain scene from Dead Space 2, but with very dark comedy instead of pure horror. The only way to do it justice is to describe it in amazing detail.

Fiona picks up a spork (or is it a fpoon?) to do the dirty deed with, but she gets startled when Rhys yelps, causing her to squish Pollux’s right eye. The next eye is removed successfully… but the sequence is played from Pollux’s perspective.

Fiona used the eye to access two messages. One was for Pollux from Athena
(who had creepy orange eyes for some reason), who was sent by Atlas to kill Pollux. She also mentioned something about Gortys is Old Haven.

The second message was from Pollux asking whoever found the bunker to… shut off the stasis drive on the storage capsule he was resting in. That’s so dark, you can’t help but laugh. Well, the least we can do is figure out what this Gortys thing is, so that our accidental murder of Pollux isn’t totally in vain…

Suddenly, Rhys fell over the railing and into Pollux’s capsule, causing an explosion of blood.

Continue reading Tales from the Borderlands Part Two: The Eyes Have It