The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Part One

Epic Fantasy Reborn”

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition | Developer: Bethesda Softworks LLC | Publisher: Bethesda Game Studios | Platform: Xbox 360 | Released: November 11, 2011 | Originally Played From: June 29, 2018 – August 29, 2018 (Main Quest)

Ulfric Stormcloak, the “true leader”? We’ll see about that.

The People of Tamriel

A key aspect of creating your character in an Elder Scrolls game is choosing their race. Somewhat similar to Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition, Each race has different attributes, such as an ability exclusive to them, and seightly different starting stats in skills. Some races begin the game with some spells already learned.

Altmer (High Elf) | Origin: Summerset Isle | Power: Highborn. Regenerates magicka quickly

Argonian | Origin: The Black Marsh | Powers: Underwater breathing and disease immunity

Bosmer (Wood Elf) | Origin: Valenwood | Powers: Command Animal (make an animal an ally for 60 seconds); disease and poison resistance

Breton | Origin: High Rock | Powers: Dragonskin (absorb 50 percent of magicka from hostile spells for 60 seconds); magic resistance | Trivia: Apparently, Bretons have mixed human and high elf blood, which explains their magical acuity

Dunmer (Dark Elf) | Origin: Morrowind | Powers: Ancestor’s Wrath (opponents who get too close take eight points per second of fire damage for 60 seconds; can only be triggered once a day); fire resistance

Imperials | Origin: Cyrodiil | Powers: Voice of the Emperor (calm nearby humanoids for 60 seconds) and Imperial Luck (anywhere gold coins can be found, Imperials always seem to find a few more)

Khajit | Origin: Elsweyr (no, really) | Powers: Night Eye (see in the dark for 60 seconds at a time) and claws (unarmed attacks from Khajits do more damage than any other race; alas, this game doesn’t have a melee skill tree)

Nord | Origin: Skyrim | Powers: Battle Cry (target flees for 30 seconds) and frost resistance

Orsimer (Orcs) | Origins: High Rock and Orsinium | Power: Berserker Rage (take half damage and do double damage for 60 seconds; damage reduction doesn’t apply to magic)

Redguard | Origin: Hammerfell | Adrenaline Rush (stamina regenerates 10 times faster for 60 seconds) and poison resistance

I created a female Breton named Madena Nova.

If you can’t think up a name for your character, you can select a predetermined one, which I did for my character’s first name.

One of the guards asked if I fled my homeland because of court intrigue.

What in Oblivion is that?!” It’s a dragon.

“Unbound”: Escape your execution rudely interrupted by a dragon attack.

Sundas, 17 of Last Seed, year 201 of 4E (the Fourth Era)

I escaped through the bowels of Helgen Keep with a guy named Hadvar. He told me to go find his uncle in Riverwood.

Unlocked Unbound. 1/75

In Riverwood, an old woman named Hilde saw the dragon, but her son Sven didn’t believe her. I told him that I saw the dragon and he believed me, though.

Hadvar’s uncle told me to tell the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon. He can send help to shore up Riverwood’s defenses.

I lovvve the design of the level up menu. How each skill has its own constellation and how you trace its design as you select perks.

The story of how the Drunken Huntsman tavern got its name is funny.

Some humans are very racist towards elves.

Unlocked Take Up Arms. 2/75

I’m taking quests up as they come along.

“Cowflop Farmhouse”? That’s just a funny name.

Pop Team Epic references the very beginning of this game when you’re being taken to Helgen.

And then someone created a PTE mod for the game

“Proving Honor”: Before the Companions will induct me, I have to fetch a fragment of Wuuthrad, the Blade of Ysgramor, from Dustman’s Cairn. The doors to this place are spooky.

Unlocked Apprentice. 3/75

Farkas, the companion that came along on this quest to judge my valor, is a werewolf.