Cheryl Mason – Silent Hill 3

I originally intended to write a long post analyzing the symbolism in Silent Hill 3 and how it relates to the fears of the female experience (which is what I would do in a full review of the game anyway), but decided to draw this instead. It’s a summary of my feelings about the current situation in my country.

Finish Him Part 11: Primal Rage II, War Gods, Bio F.R.E.A.K.S., Mace: The Dark Age

I realized that I forgot about Primal Rage II, though it was unfinished and unreleased. As such, it would be unfair to compare them to the other, complete games in this series of articles, just like with Tattoo Assassins.

A major feature of PRII was to be human and animal characters in the roster.

Continue reading Finish Him Part 11: Primal Rage II, War Gods, Bio F.R.E.A.K.S., Mace: The Dark Age

Finish Him Part 10: Weaponlord, Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport, Cardinal Syn

Weaponlord cover art by Simon Bisley


A Western-developed, Namco fighting game that sure looks good, but boy, are the fatalities boring. They’re the exact same with one exception: decapitation, followed by slicing the body open.

Continue reading Finish Him Part 10: Weaponlord, Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport, Cardinal Syn