Dear Friends: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Part One: Juxtaposition of the Gods

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

Developer: indieszero, Square Enix 1st Production Department

Publisher: Square Enix

System: Nintendo 3DS

Released (JP): February 16, 2012

Released (NA): July 3, 2012

Released (AU): July 5, 2012

Released (EU): July 6, 2012

TFF is a very good and addictive rhythm game that uses music from across the Final Fantasy series. It and its sequel, Theathrythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call are some of my favorite 3DS games, which is saying a lot. The first game uses music from Final Fantasy I – XIII. The songs are divided up into three categories: Field Music (overworld, dungeon, and town themes), Battle Music, and Event Music (climactic scenes from the games that use a supercut of cutscenes from the games).

Your goal as a leader of the Warriors of Cosmos is to gain enough Rhythmia.


Chaos and Cosmos.

Two gods who rule over all creation.

The space betwixt them is Rhythm.

From here was born the Music Crystal, which fills the world with harmony.

Yet the chaotic forces in the universe wax stronger, disrupting this harmony and dimming the light of the Crystal.

The only thing which can now restore the radiance of the Crystal is Rhythmia, the musical wavelength filling all space.

The heroes’ melodic journey begins…”

You collect Rhythmia by clearing songs. The amount of Rhythmia you collect is dependent on factors such as how well you did, what abilities you have equipped, and a few bonuses depending on how your party is made up.

June 24, 2013: I made a party of my fav FF heroes: Tidus, Terra, and Zidane, and I added Cecil ‘cuz he has Cure.

Curative spells were triggered if your HP falls beneath a certain level in a stage. The same goes for healing items that you could equip.

They didn’t have very fancy names for the BGM in Final Fantasy I.

Achieved First Perfect Chain!

The game had a lot of achievements to unlock.

I ❤ the little cameos and quotes by characters on the mode selection screen.

The binder that holds your CollectaCards even shows the backs of the cards as you flip through it. Nice detail.

I like the Mad Libs-style quotes generated before before the main songs. They appear before opening and ending themes.

It’s very hard for me to hold back my emotions with this game.

You can get a “Title Character Bonus”. I guess it’s for playing with some of the main characters.

On the Field Music Screens, I’ve encountered Cid and Rydia!

The Ending Theme for Final Fantasy IV is resplendent.

I got a Yellow Shard, one of eight! Mysterious.

Battle at the Big Bridge” (Final Fantasy V) has a great beat and is fun to play to.

I encountered Faris and a moogle!

I got the Yuna card! My fav FF heroine ever! Eee~

The Decisive Battle” (Final Fantasy VI) has a great beat too.

Title Character Bonuses are for when you use a character from the title whose songs you’re playing.

Now I have a Scarlet Shard.

Apparently, the Shards help you unlock secret characters. GIMME!

Trophy: Rode all kinds of chocobos! 2/64

The later FF games’ scenes look really great on the 3DS screen.

The Series mode is fun, but the Dark Notes – oh my Cosmos. They randomize the bosses you face (or are they determined by how well you do in the preceding Field Music screen? I know they give you a hint about which one you’ll get in a signpost) and the prizes you’ll get for beating them. Cooolll.

I also like how you can customize your ProfiCard with different card designs, taglines, colors, and characters. Awesome.

This game makes me feel like a conductor!

The Sunleth Waterscape” (FFXIII) is an earworm.

I know I like a lot of the songs from XIII and XIII-2, but I don’t know their names.

Seifer gave me a treasure. :O

I think he gave me his card. What an egotistical jerk!

Playing this game makes my hands and eyes tired.

I’d forgotten how good some of this music was, like the title screen tunes for Final Fantasy VIII and IX.

I picked up on more subtleties in Final Fantasy X‘s cutscenes playing the Event Mode Stage for the game than I ever did when I was playing the game itself.

It’s cute to see the little characters when you play a song in the Music menu. 🙂

The “Ending Movie” song for Final Fantasy XIIis incredible. It must have one exciting ending…

Shantotto rhymes all the time.

Trophy: Faced 100 enemies in battle! Already? 3/64

I rarely seem to face Boss No. 1 in Dark Notes. Well, it has happened four times.

I like seeing locations from FF games in this game.

Well, it looks like the intro and theme of Final Fantasy XI is awesome.

2 thoughts on “Dear Friends: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Part One: Juxtaposition of the Gods

  1. Awesomely addictive game. So many characters to level / abilities to lock/ songs to get/ the list goes on. It’s def a hard game to put down, I always want to play just one more song.

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